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Can baby mouse give me hantavirus?

21 15:11:52

I have really enjoyed all your responses that I have found ! Thank you so much for all the info.  I tried to save 5 baby mice they managed to live for 5 to 7 days but all died.  I was pretty heart broken I so wanted them to open their eyes!!  Now I am worried about hantavirus I am not for sure what kind of mice they were??? Mostly brown with some black.  I mostly wore gloves but I would check their temp with my are fingers.  I feel so bad but at least I know they did not starve to death left in the woods!

Dear Melissa,

I'm so sorry about the little critters. They are so delicate and they had been through such trauma.

As for hantavirus:

So I don't get sued someday, I can't tell someone they won't get hantavirus. But although I have been unable to find data on exactly who has gotten it exactly how, since the usual transmission method is through breathing in old infected urine and feces in places such as an old barn or attic, or in an infested house, it just doesn't seem possible. Some sites say things like "scientists surmise it could be transmitted" through a bite or something, which means it has never happened, but if they say that, and it happens someday, they might get sued. I have also been unable-- I'm sure I didn't try enough- to find out how mice transmit it to each other, though I do know a mouse can't be born with it.

I myself would not worry for a second.  But the caveat above still stands.

