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I found some baby mice

21 15:19:27

I found 6 baby mice. and my parents were going to kill them so i said i would
take care of them.. they are gray no hair. and eyes are closed. they are tiny. i
dont know what to do please help me??

Dear Janice,
thank you for your question.
Here's a guide to raising orphaned baby mice:

I would recommend contacting a wildlife rehab center near you for help, maybe they will even take the mice in - raising baby mice is not easy, especially when they are so very young. Google wildlife rehab with your state or town to find help.
If you are successfull, you will need to release them again into the wild. Keep contact to a minimum so that they don't become tame and when they are old enough to eat on their own, offer them a cage that's as big as possible and put in soil, leaf litter, grass ect. to make it similar to their natural habitat. It should be placed somewhere quiet, where people don't walk in front of the cage all the time. If you can, release them before the winter.

I hope I was of some help to you