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tetracycline overdose?

21 15:14:10

Bugging you some more.  

Before I got your last reply about Luna's URI, I'd given the starter dose of tet.  Wow, she is not happy with me right now.  Totally unable to scruff her, I feel like that stressed her out, but I only tried twice then went with just putting it on her sides.  Yeah that didn't go so well either.  I watered down a teeny bit honey, very thin, and used that to mix the tet with.  Made it a bit sticky, and when I tried to smear a bit on her sides...she moves.  Messy.  And mostly on me.  I tried to follow your 1/2 split pea sized dose, since most was on me, I had to get a bit more on I'm paranoid about if I gave her too much.  =/  Not talking more than possibly 1/4 or so of 0.1 cc...I watched the syringe as I dispensed it.  Should I watch for diarrhea or any effects?  

I guess I have to vet will admonish me for using it without her advice, so...I have to talk to her about meds though...if she wants to put her on something else, or whatever she wants to do.  Kinda nervous about it.  But what to do when the vet's not to someone with over 30 years experience.

Hi again,

She'll be fine. Antibiotics are hard to overdose. If she had too much she might get runny poops. Give her a little yogurt. It doesn't sound like an overdose to me anyway <--not a vet.

Did she drink a full glass of water with it? lol

I'm sure your vet will scold you or listening to me, with  no medical training!

