Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > my fancy mouse is walking funny

my fancy mouse is walking funny

21 15:31:46

hi i need some help my fancy mouse tubster is acting funny she seems like she is crooked and walking crooked and i think she might be dieing of old age can some one please help me she has one sister..if u would please email me the answer that would be great my email is  

Dear Ryan,

Sorry, it cut off the email address. I hope you get this OK.

Your mouse might well be dying of old age.  Is she over 18 months?  That's a common time to get old.  Or she might have had a stroke. You can take her to a vet but I don't think the vet could help.  Make her as comfortable as you can and make sure her food and water are easily accessible.  Don't let her get cold (A/C?).  Keep the two together.  Give her love if she likes that.  Some loving mice even ask to be picked up before they die.  When(ever) she dies she may twitch or even jump.  This is normal.  

What's important is her well-being, so if she dies it was the right time.  Otherwise she just might be a little handicapped.

Best of luck and love to Tubster,

