Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mice squeak after mite spray

Mice squeak after mite spray

21 15:21:49

QUESTION: Dear Natasha,
I have two fancy female mice and recently they got itchy red spots on their faces and necks and would scratch themselves all the time. So I used the product you recommended to treat mice for mites (the 8 in 1 Flea and Tick Spray) and I was very careful not to get it in my mice's eyes or on their faces. I kept them warm until they dried so they would not get the chills, and they seemed fine. However, shortly after the treatment, they began squeaking and twitching. It has been close to an hour since they dried and they randomly squeak and jump for no reason. I can tell by the kind of squeak they are making that they are in pain. I did not rinse off the spray after the treatment. What do you recommend that I do? Thank you for your time.

ANSWER: Dear Jackie,

Unfortunately, some mice have very sensitive skin and the mite spray hurts.  This is why I recommend the less harsh bird spray for mild cases, which of course carries the risk of not being strong enough.  Of the 4 mice that I treated, one had this reaction.  She was OK after about 12 hours.  There's nothing you can do. I do suggest that for the second treatment you get the bird spray if you can.  Same brand, just for birds, and it's half the strength.  

I'm sorry the poor little things are in pain.  

squeaks of condolence,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much, Natasha. Would it do me any good to give them a bath? I saw mouse shampoo at the store earlier today. Also, how long do you think I should wait before I give them the "bird" treatment?

Dear Jackie,

I would not give the mice a bath because the spray needs the time to work.  I actually never recommend bathing a mouse in any circumstances because they can get cold and sick so easily.  You will have read in the post that you must make sure the wet mice are warm and dry as soon as possible.  It's just sad that the treatment hurts their skin-- it's strong poison, to kill the mites, and little mice are so delicate.  The end result is worth it though. Mites can kill a mouse.

Give the mice the second treatment in no more than ten days.  

Your mice are lucky you care so much.

