Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > We find a nany mouse and we think its about at leat 2 weeks old, please help us!

We find a nany mouse and we think its about at leat 2 weeks old, please help us!

21 15:38:22

Me and my mom found a mom in a box in our garage.She was building a nest and today we found a baby mouse. Its eyes are open and it has a bunch of cute fluffy fur already. The mom unfortunately died when we were trying to put the two mice into the wild again! Me and my mom were devastated,and now we need to take care of the baby mouse or else it will of course die. I'm very excited about raising the mouse, but I need some tips about how to take really good care of it so it wont die.

Please help us!
sincerely sara

The good news is that the mouse is at least two weeks old and will be able to feed itself. You need to provide kitten or puppy formula either in a bowl or bottle as well as water and mouse or hamster food. Mice also like fresh fruit and veg, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, fromage frais (a mouse favorite) crusty bread, cooked potato, rice and pasta etc.

Make sure the cage is secure, I suggest a plastic or glass tank as baby mice can squeeze through bars. It is important to handle the mouse as infrequently as possible a tame mouse won't survive long in the wild. Mice enjoy empty toilet rolls and wheels in the cage. You will also need to include bedding such as hay or paper towels and a nesting box. Keep the cage away from drafts and noise.

You should release him in a suitable spot in about 2 weeks. Leave the cage door open and allow the mouse to exit in his own time. If possible leave the cage there for about a week with plenty of food, water and bedding so he can return until he has fully adapted to the wild.

If the mouse does die please don't blame yourself as it won't be your fault.

Please feel free to ask any more questions. Good luck.