Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse dies after rapid breathing

Mouse dies after rapid breathing

21 15:19:01

We had three mice.  Alice had a large tumor that started to bleed so we put in a cage next to the larger one with Tonks and Oreo.  Alice passed away peacefully about a week later.  Oreo and Tonks definately knew something was not right that night.  About one week later, Oreo began to breathe very rapidly so I put both on Tetracycline.  Came in one day and found her not sleeping in the nest with Tonks which I thought was odd. Next day they were back together in nest.  Two days later I found Oreo dead in the nest(this was last night).  Tonks now is having the same type of rapid breathing but is still on Tetracycline.  Any ideas as to what is going on?? Help!

Dear Deanna,

The only thing you do to try to save Tonks is take her to the vet; but my personal prognosis for her is not good. It may be that whatever killed Oreo is not the kind of bacterial infection that Tetracycline fights; or may not even be bacterial. It could be a virus or even a poison of some sort. By the way I do not think there is any connection between Alice's tumor and Oreo's and Tonk's death.

Again, I'm not a vet and maybe a vet can do something. If you decide to bring her to a vet, do it immediately.  Just be aware that a mouse visit costs as much as for a cat or dog.

I wish I could be of more help.

