Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > more help for mouse babies please!

more help for mouse babies please!

21 15:31:59

I asked a couple days ago about a litter of mice,I've since lost two, and two remain, but one has sustained some kind of eye injury. The eye seems to be bulging out of her head and I'm losing my mind trying to make her comfortable. I don't see how she's going to make it, but she's going right back to the vet tomorrow morning as soon as they open. She's rolling around trying to rub it on the bedding or something so i removed her to a little heated bowl and i'm feeding her as usual what she will take. Can she be saved? On a brighter note one the other one is growing like crazy, her eyes are open, and she is eating formula mixed with cream of wheat by herself, and even some seeds and rodent blocks. she can drink by herself from a tiny dish. I'm wondering how long do I continue giving her the formula and how often. Do i still have i get up in the night to feed? please let me know all you can, you seem like you know your stuff.

Dear Elise,

This is where my being "on call" would help.  I assume the mouse has been to the vet today, so the vet will have better advice than I.  I wouldn't have told you any different than what you did last night anyway.  It was good to try to protect the eye.

If both are drinking water and eating, you can stop waking up in the night.  Offer them the formula maybe twice a day for another week.  

Best of luck and health to the mice!

