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Bloody eyes and missing fur.

21 15:31:59

I got two mice back at the end of September and October. I wasn't aware they were territorial, and had to pull the second male into another cage. The first one was a grey and white fancy mouse named Mickey. They seemed well when I got them both, but by January, Mickey began developing loss of fur under his eyes, where his tears wear drastically increasing. Over time, it progressed into actual scabbing and bleeding. I didn't know what to do, but disinfect his cage. He recently passed about two months ago. After Mickey passed, my second Black and White fancy mouse, Piggy, began developing the same issue. But Piggy is beginning to get puss, and swelling eyelids in his left eye. Not just that, but he's lost about an inch by an inch and a half of fur on his side. Just fur, there's no discoloration to his skin, just a huge patch of fur missing. I noticed that he's been scratching himself more often. What are the possibilities? And will a trip to a vet help him? I love him, and just want him to get better.

Dear Ashley,

Piggy should go to the vet.  

If you get any more mice, make sure you wash everything in hot water with a little bleach to make sure they don't catch the problem too.

Best of luck and health to little Piggy.  I'm sorry about Mickey.

