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Should I Let The Mouse Go, Or Should I Keep It?

21 15:21:42


The Mouse.
Hello Natasha.

My Dog bit a Mouse on our daily walk.
It was just laying there in the snow breathing and would not move.
I took the mouse in the house and it just laid in my hand.
I sat him or her on my desk on two tissues, for comfort.
After just laying there for about 10-15 minutes he or she got up and scratched its head and licked its paw.

After that it sat there with its eyes closed.
I got some peanut butter on a cracker and it started eating it.

I now keep it in an aquarium with Water, Food and Bedding.

I was thinking about letting him or her go back in the wild.
But there is deep snow on the ground and it's cold out.

Would it be alright to keep it?
Or should I let it go?



Dear Bradley,

First, you need to be prepared that the mouse might not make it.  Although it may seem fine now, there could be internal injuries or infection which will take a day or two to cause problems.  

There are different philosophies about keeping wild mice.  Mine is that the happiness of the mouse is the top factor.  If I find a mouse in winter I hang onto it until it's warm enough for there to be no chance of it freezing.  Especially in an injury case, it might need to convalesce a little and wouldn't be able to survive on its own. Once the lows are about 45 at night, it will have a better chance of survival on its own.

At that point, however, you might find yourself quite fond of it.  Again, opinions differ, but I feel that if the mouse seems happy-- doesn't spend most of its time trying to escape-- that it's fine to keep it as a pet.  

It's very important, however, that it have a wheel as soon as you can get one.  It will be very unhappy with no exercise.

I wish your little rescue the very best of luck.

