Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > hole in mouse ear

hole in mouse ear

21 15:38:59

My mouse has the mites and we are using a treatment and i think its doing a small thing but now she even has a big whole in her ear!!!
can someone please help me!!?

Dear Sam,

Mites by themselves won't cause a hole in an ear.  There is only a small chance that scratching would, but the probable culprit is some kind of a fungus, like ringworm or mange (ringworm isn't a worm).  The mouse needs to go to the vet to be diagnosed.  

If that is impossible, you can try rubbing some neosporin or a  little athlete's foot powder on the affected areas.  If you have sprayed for mites a few times, stop; that could also be damaging the skin.  Just remember, the vet is the best bet!

