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Mice Treat

21 15:10:04

Hi there, I'm looking for some kind of treat for my mice, and I have a few ideas. I know sunflower seeds are ok, but they can be a little fattenng...I was wondering about microwave popcorn? I currently make it almost daily for myself, has it is a cheap snack and I get the 'lightly buttered, lightly salted' flavor...Would giving my two little buddies small peices hurt them at all? I did have a peice drop into a small roaming area I made for them, and Gizmo (my larger brown fancy) loved it. Beaker (typical albino fancy) didn't get any so I did feel bad, and give her a small peice...They seemed fine, but I don't want to cause problems down the line.
Thank you in advance :)

Hi Christopher,

While corn isn't necessarily bad for mice, it isn't good for them, either, and the butter and salt are also a much bigger indulgence for a mouse than for a human.  It would certainly be more fattening than offering occasional seeds!  I wouldn't worry about the piece you have already given her, but I can't recommend giving them more of that particular food.

Some healthier treats would include cheerios, pumpkin seeds, small pieces of banana or apple, millet sprays (available in the bird section of most pet shops), or even mealworms.  This is also a wonderful and comprehensive list of foods to try and avoid that might give you some more ideas:

Hope I helped, and let me know if you have any more questions!  :)