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Pet mice. Parents... HELP!

21 15:14:12

Hi, My friends little sister is getting mice and I was thinking how fun if I got mice too. These are a few of my questions so theres kinda alot!
How social are mice to humans?
I know there needs to be more then one and females.
Do feeder mice bite more?
Where can I find a good breeder in MN?
What is the average cost?
Sorry there is so many.
The next problem is convincing my parents... I already have rats and gerbils - and fish - and a dog. I can take care of them. My rat just had a stroke... :(
I know they will say you have to many pets. But I'm sure I can get them weaker... even if take 2 years. Any tips?
Thank you
I havn't found anyone that can answer my parent problems yet."

Hi Emily,

Mice can be very social with humans, but it depends a lot on how they were handled as babies.  Just about every mouse except a wild one will warm up to you eventually, but mice that were handled by their breeder since pups will be more initially accepting of people-playtime.  Of course - pet shop mice can and do make wonderful, social pets, too!

Female mice need to usually be in pairs of two or three.  Males should only be kept alone.

Feeder mice are the exact same as pet mice, just typically white.  They have all the same genetics and personality under the white fur!

To find a local breeder, try asking around at your local pet shops, animal rescues and shelters, and veterinarians.  They have likely heard of someone in the area who breeds mice responsibly!  You can also try asking reptile owners - it may not be an attractive practice, but they do know who in the area breeds rodents.  Remember that not every breeder is a GOOD breeder, and it's important to visit them, their setup, and their mice before purchasing.  Look for healthy, happy, clean pets before buying!  You can also try this link for finding someone in your area:

The initial cost of owning a mouse is the biggest, as with any pet.  You need a cage built for mice (other cages, like for hamsters, have too wide of bars), a water bottle, a food dish, a hide where the mouse can feel safe, bedding, and food.  Not to mention the mouse!  What kind of these you buy will affect your cost.  I recommend using either paper bedding (such as carefresh or yesterday's news) or aspen shavings - stay away from pine and cedar.  Paper bedding will cost more but will be cozier, whereas aspen shavings can be as inexpensive as less than $1 per cage change (which should be done each week).  The food you select needs to be formulated specifically for mice, or for mice and rats, and the type you get will also affect your cost.  On average I think you can probably own a cage of 1-3 mice for between $8 and $20 a month.  Don't forget that once you have them you will want to buy them toys, gifts, and treats, too!

I cannot help you with convincing your folks, unfortunately.  That part is up to you!

Best of luck,