Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > pregnant?


21 15:32:52

i took my female to my friends house awhile ago now, and if she is preg, then i except then next sat. im still not sure , here are some signs: she has the tinying musclur lump on ecah side, hardly noticable, she is lazyer and more stubby. lots of sleepppp! she never wants to leave the cage. she has lots of runny poops. she has lots and lots of food and water, and like to be left alone in adarrrk room. do you reckon shes pregnant? also my cat is killing alot of wild mice and lets to haneg out by a hole in the toilet. how do i lure them out!? and do you know any shops in newzealand that have MALE mice? THHHANKS please answer all and be fast!

Dear Lydia,

if she is pregnant it will become noticeable in the third week.  Make sure she has a nice nest and is not disturbed.  There are many questions about pregnancy and baby raising in my archives, and you may feel free to write again.  

Runny poops are not a sign of pregnancy.  Make sure her diet is an acceptable mouse/rat mix or pellets plus only vegetable or cracker treats occasionally.  If it goes on for two days, you should bring her to a vet.  She also needs vet attention if she becomes very lethargic, a large change in behavior or temperament.  

The best way to get rid of wild mice is to use a live trap.  There is a trap called Havahart which works well, and the best thing to lure mice out with is commercial peanut butter (like Skippy or Jif; not a health food kind!).  

I am in NYC and don't know any pet shops in New Zealand.  However, I did a Google search:

I see there are a number of shops listed.  

Remember, males can't live with other males; and when they live with females, babies come every three weeks, which have to be tamed and homes found for, harder than you might think.  

I hope I have answered all your questions.  Feel free to write back with more.

