Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > do mice and dwarf hamsters fight?

do mice and dwarf hamsters fight?

21 15:40:17

i am about to buy some female mice but i already own a male dwarf hamster and am wondering if i can allow them to mix at all or if they will kill each other or even try to breed??please help,thank you.


Thank you for your question. Unfortunately your hamster will fight and possibly try to breed with your mice. Hamsters are solitary creatures so unless you wish to breed they should always be kept alone. Even when breeding with their own species they can become very aggressive.

Your female mice will be stressed out by another species in their living quarters so it is best to keep them as a single sex species. If you wish to breed make sure it is with the same species as hybrids can be seriously deformed. Mice can have 15 babies per litter and become fertile soon after giving birth.

Try to keep the mice in a group of at least 3 but the more the merrier!

Please feel free to ask me anything else. Good Luck!