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My mice is making some weird sound

21 15:33:00

I got "Cookie" and "Cream" (2 male fancy mices) about a week and a half ago. I have being playing with them for all this time. taking some time to take them out if their cage and playing with them. Yesterday I notice one of them was making a weird sound, while inside his cage. Something like a squeek or chip kind of sound. Today, while I was petting cookie in my hand, he started making than same sound. I recorded the sound and put it in youtube, here is the link:
I'm thinking, he is making that sound because he is happy, but I was wondering... am I mistaken?

Dear Fernando,

What a wonderful way to make it easy for me to understand what's going on!

I think Cookie is sneezing.  The clicky sounds might be happy mouse sounds but the squeaky sounds seem like sneezes.  I think he has a respiratory infection.  

You can take them to a vet to have them diagnosed for sure, and the vet has all the most modern medicines and possibly an easy way to dose them.  This is always the best option.

However, I know that mice are often low budget pets, and I do have a method that I use to treat mice for respiratory infections.  This works most of the time, but remember, the vet always knows best.

In the following post I describe how to use the over the counter antibiotic Tetracycline, which you will find in the FISH section of the pet store.  In this post the person found tablets instead of capsules, but you will probably find capsules.  The dosage for the water bottle is thus 1 emptied capsule for a large water bottle or 1/2 emptied capsule for a small one.  Please read the instructions carefully.  You need to treat both mice.

Cookie is adorable, and it is great that they can live together:  They must be littermates.  However, when they get older they might get territorial and start to fight.  If this happens it is only serious if somebody is bleeding. In that case you will need to put them in separate cages.  The best is two wire cages next to each other so they can communicate. Just a heads up.

Have fun with your sweet little friends!

squeaks n giggles,
