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Mouse poop color/ where to find ladder

21 15:24:43

Natasha, Thanks to you my babies are now 8 wks old.  They eat from my hand, lay on their backs while I rub their bellies and give them kisses. I absolutely love them! Monkey started having soft wet pellets with a brighter color (almost redish brown/or orange tint). At first I thought of blood in it but I don't think it is. I have been feeding them their normal mice mix for the past 4 wk along with snacks of carrots,crackers,pieces of biscuits,dry pancakes,and dry cereal. He acts just fine, running around at night and napping during the day. I just noticed the change in his stool and wondered if maybe you could give me some idea of what may be causing this. Should I stop feeding him human food? Thanks again for sharing your love for mice! By the way do you know where you can purchase small ladders for them to climb? I have searched everywhere and they all I can find are too big.

Dear Sabra,

I never worry much about the color of my mouse poops, though of course the safest thing is always to go to a vet.  I haven't had an issue where mouse poop color preceded a health problem, and I've had a lot of mice.

I also have wondered where to get mouse ladders, so I did an Internet search and found a few sources.

Here is the best one I found:

Here are some more search results:

Bar ladder:

Wooden ladder:

2 foot ladder intended for garden, you might need to cut to size:

Hamster house with ladder:

Best of luck and have fun.  The babies sound wonderful!

squeaks n giggles,
