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false pregnancy

21 15:08:28

Hi, I work in a feed store, and we sell mice. I always separate pregnant girls so they have privacy. I have one female who has been larger than I have ever seen, but not giving birth! It has been about 2 months, so I know they're not coming. I just am not sure what to do! I don't think its a tumor because it is all over weight. I just feel bad, she has to be miserable! Any thoughts?

Hi Lynn,

Sorry for the late reply!  Mice can definitely be obese, and this may be her issue.  Red/orange/yellow mice, for example, are prone to obesity genetically.  If this is the problem, you may be able to make her more comfortable by decreasing the proteing and fat percentages in her food - this information is frequently listed on the back of commercial mouse food mixes.  This helps her store less weight as well as helps to keep her from overheating.  Don't limit her food, though - she should still have free access 24 hours a day.

Another possibility is bloating from a dietary intolerance or an allergy.  I have a feeling you would see fluctuations in her size if this were the case, however.  I would try adjusting her food content and then see if there is any change - then start looking for other possibilities second.

I hope I helped, and please let me know if there is anything else I can do!