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my daughter found a baby mouse

21 15:20:30

My Daughter found a baby mouse yesterday and the mother was dead next to it. It has grey fur and it's eyes are open. It does jump. What should i be feeding it, how often, do i have to help it potty. I am completely lost in caring for it but i can't let it die. I just can't. It made it through the night. I have seeds in the cage, water bottle, and bedding. It is constantly tumbling over the bedding. It's back legs are that strong. I also haven't seen it use the water bottle so every 3 hours i have tried to give it kitty milk and water but i have a better chance getting water into the little guy then the milk and even the water is hard. PLease help me

Dear Essie,

First of all, thank you for rescuing the little mouse. In the following post I described how to care for a baby mouse with its eyes open.  If there is anything I have forgotten, please let me know.

Best of luck and health to the little guy!

