Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > hhheeeelllp


21 15:39:42

ok i have been asking panya and natasha (sorry)  questions (read other questions to understand) panya told me my mouse was pregnant. it was over 3 weeks and no babys yet so i mailed her again and this morning i found a mouse i have never seen in her cage (brown male mouse) and i think thats how she is pregnant. i  keep seeing him in my living room and im afraid. how can i keep him out? i was told the father will eat the babies (there not born yet) how do i capture him?
would if he has a disease?  how do i train the soon to be born babies?   all of these questions mean  

What Do I Do?

sincerely ,jessie

I'm sorry, I forgot that you asked about possible disease. It's possible that he carries some internal or extrenal (fleas,mites or ticks) parasites, so it might be a good idea to see a vet with your mouse to get her treated for that, but be sure to tell the vet that she might be pregnant. lists good mouse vets. None of those parasites would be harmful for you, though.

The only serious disease I can think of is the Hanta virus, but only a few mouse species carry that. Normal housemouse, which I think your visitor is, don't carry it.