Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > purple legged baby mouse!!

purple legged baby mouse!!

21 15:17:37

Hey there, I have a mouse that recently had a liter of 8 and one of the baby mice's foot/leg is purple and swollen. I don't know what is wrong with it, and i am terrified that it is serious. Please respond soon! Thank you so much! :)

Dear Brittany,

I'm sorry to say that there is nothing you can do for the baby mouse. The mouse may lose the leg. That's not so terrible as you might think. A three-legged mouse doesn't know that it is different. And if it begins so early, it will have no problems walking. In fact, one of my questioners had a three-legged mouse named Miracle, who won the hamster-ball race at Petco!

However, it's also possible that the mouse won't survive. I'm very sorry if that happens. I hope it is OK. Sending best wishes for the little pup from all of my mice.


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