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my mouses itchiness

21 15:24:55

my mouse is about a yr and a half and for the past month and a half one of her eyes is usualy shut and watery. She itches it a lot and to help i wash it with warm water everyday, however it doesn' seem to help. Ive also notice on top of that, she is itching her body more and her fus is thinning out quickly. She has lost hair before so i gav her vitamin suppliments and dog food, but its not working this time. I haven't changed her diet at all or her bedding, and she is still active . Please help me, i luv my Gaboo and i don't want her to die! I love her! thank you very much for your help!

Dear Brittany,

The best thing to do is to take Gaboo to the vet.  The vet can test for the different possible causes for skin itchiness (for instance, mites, mange, ringworm) and give you the best treatments.

If you can't get Gaboo to the vet, the next best thing is to treat for mites, since that's a pretty common reason for itching and fur loss.  In the following post I explain how to do this:

The eye may be a separate problem.  If it doesn't get better, Gaboo really needs professional diagnosis.

