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Mouse breeders in Illinois

21 15:20:26

QUESTION: Hello I wrote you a while ago about my 2 female mice I was worried because one keep barbering the other to the point her ears where bloody and bits of her ears where missing. I decided to separate them and its being going well we let them on the sofa to play for a hour a night and they still get to see each other and cuddle. One of the girls has bonded with my mom and gets really upset if my moms not there at night to hold her when shes out playing. I am worried because my mom is going on vacation for 2 weeks and I don't know if the bonded mouse can take all that stress so I was wondering if I could put the two girls back in a big tank together to help reduce the stress of my mom being gone. They still get along on the sofa and what not so I don't see what could hurt them sharing a tank again what do you think? If theres no signs of barbering I would like to keep them together.

ANSWER: Dear Nikki,

Thinking this over, I have a couple of points.

You are right that the mouse will have a hard time without your mom if they have bonded so well.  And distraction can help, such as being with another mouse.

However, the fact that the mice get along on the couch does not at all mean they will get along in a cage.  The couch is neutral territory and in a way they are on their best behavior there. And if your mom's mouse is the one who used to be barbered and bitten, it will be pretty stressful for her to be attacked again.  If she was the attacker then it is less of a gamble.

My recommendation is to put them together in a neutral cage and keep very close watch over them.  By that I mean, keep them in the bedroom overnight and when there is squeaking, make sure no one is bleeding.  

At the same time, give that mouse a super lot of attention and love.  Also distract her with toys and treats.  And put something that your mom wears in the cage-- maybe your mom can wear an old pair of socks for night or two and you can give one to the mice the day she leaves and one a week later (the mice won't even mind if it isn't a matched pair).  

I hope the two get along, but if not, these other ideas should help.  

Best of luck to the little mouse. She's obviously a very special one to get so attached to a person.

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was already going to have my mom wear something to give to the stressed mouse when she is gone the socks is a great idea!

Also the stressed mouse was the barber so I am hoping all goes well

I was thinking because the girls are getting older and to help combat the barbering I was going to add 1 or 2 more mice if all goes well. How do I find a good mouse breeder I found two around here how do I know if I am supporting good or bad breeding?

Confetti Mousery (CM)
No Shipping

HB Mousery (HBM)
Des Plaines, IL (USA)
Small, home-based mousery in the midwest. We breed for temperment first, then colour %26 coat.
No Shipping

These are the two I am looking at


Hi Nikki--

I have asked around. Both of those breeders are no longer breeding.

I have two Illinois leads:  

There is a woman named Kadee Sedtal who owns a place I think called something like Trek Rats-- I've just friended her on FB so hopefully she will send me her contact info, but that name is unique enough that you might find it in the phone directory.  More info here later when she gets back to me.

The other woman's name is Robin from Critter Momma's Mousery.  These are people my own mouse contacts are friends with, so they come with recommendations.  Her number is 309-657-9608 (best to reach her later in the day though). She suggests you email her at

Or these people may be able to direct you to someone nearer where you are.

When I have the info more neatly I will revise my last answer to you and that way other people can find it too.

squeaks n giggles,
