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Should I take my mouse to the vet?

21 15:14:16

Hi, I was just wondering if it is silly to take a pet mouse to the vet because my grandmother said it was when I told her. I only made the appointment because I was worried about one of my girls yesterday because her breathing was off and this morning I was holding her before work when she died in my hands. I decided to keep the appointment because I wanted to make sure my other one was still okay and didn't have what the other had. So basically my question is, would it be silly and a waste of money to take a mouse to the vet like my Grandma says? If it isn't I might have to reschedule the appoint for around the time I take my cat for shots on Monday so she doesn't know.

Dear Lynnsey,

It is not at all silly to take a mouse to the vet. It is the only responsible thing to do with a sick mouse. I'm not sure if your first girl had respiratory symptoms for a while or if it happened in one day. If it was a while, she could probably have been saved by a visit to the vet and antibiotics.

However, if the second mouse is exhibiting no symptoms at all, she probably is ok. I myself would not put the mouse through the stress of a vet visit if she had no symptoms, because the vet would probably just say she has no symptoms; and vets charge as much for mice as for bigger animals.

But with a sick mouse it is definitely necessary to go to the vet. Your grandma doesn't understand that mice are as wonderful and important as any pet. They should not be discriminated against because of their size!

You do need to wait a week to make sure mouse two has no symptoms before buying mouse three and maybe four. Female mice should never live alone.

