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mouse hiccups

21 15:17:06

I think my mouse has the hiccups. he stomach is moving in and out like how it would if a person had the hiccups. im not sure how i can help her get rid of them do you know of any remedies? I have put some tetracycline in her water in case it turns out to be something more. but do you know of anything else i can do to help her. she has week old babies and i dont know how long they can go with out her attention. she has had this problem before and they lasted for a couple hours but she hadnt given birth yet. this is the second time she has gotten what i think are the hiccups. her eyes are not cloudy and there does not appear to be any drip-age from her nose. the last time she had them she was with my male mouse this time however she is alone.

Dear Sara,

Unfortunately I have no medical expertise. You should bring the mouse-- in the cage with the babies-- to a vet. The vet should be experienced in "pocket pets" or "exotics." If you have a choice, ask each one how many mice they have seen in the past month.

If you want to write to a vet, there is one at this link:

I do not know if mice get hiccups. I have never seen this. The only cure I know for human hiccups is to swallow a spoonful of sugar all at once. It gives your system a bit of a jolt. But I do not think you can get a hiccuping or convulsing mouse to swallow any sugar.

The babies will be OK for a few hours without being nursed. I do hope it doesn't keep happening, though.

I'm very sorry I can't help you : ((. I would also really appreciate it if you could actually write back to me when someone has given you an answer. Perhaps someone else will ask me about mouse hiccup-like behavior, and then I could give a better answer.

I wish I could help.


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