Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Baby mouse not drinking milk/or pooping as much

Baby mouse not drinking milk/or pooping as much

21 15:09:14


I'm taking care of a wild baby mouse. I'm following all the instructions--kitten milk, q tip, warmth, etc. the mouse was great for a bit. Eyes aren't open, but has hair. It sucked and licked the milk off the brush very well, I did see a couple droppings and pee. However, the second full day of taking care of it, it doesn't seem to be wanting the milk, and hasn't pooped or peed. I'm worried that maybe it's dying? I don't know is this normal? I'm scared. I love this mouse as if it were my child.


ANSWER: Dear Haley,

No, it does not sound good. The only thing you can do is give it about a 90% pedialyte and 10% formula mix, and very, exquisitely gently massage its tiny body with the tip of your pinky, especially the belly area.

Poor little thing. I wish it the best of strength, health, and luck.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again,

I just tried feeding it again and he did have more of an interest in drinking it and I even saw a larger poop. It's private area looks a lot larger than it used to be though. I'm not sure if that's normal?

Thank you for responding!


Dear Haley,

That sounds better. Poops are always good. He may have been a little bloated.

I would still do the diluted mixture so it doesn't happen again. Some people don't even use 100% formula; they water it down by half the entire time. If he has a tendency to bloat that might be a better idea.

I hope he stays healthy and grows big and strong.

