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Pet Mouse with Weird Sore/ Lump

21 15:23:54


Bart's Sore
Hi Cass,

My pet mouse Bart developed a small sore on his back a little while back; I didn't think much of it, it looked like just a small scrape from one of the other mice scurrying over him or something.  He cleaned it up quite well and didn't seem bothered by it.  He was also on antibiotics around the same time for a small respiratory illness he had picked up so i figured the cut would be fine.  Recently however, I have noticed that it has become a large red mass on his back; almost like a human wart (looks like cauliflower, is dry... no pus or distinct odor).  It doesn't seem to bother him much although it has been growing and seems to be getting more red... I also noticed earlier this week that he has one on his tummy too though I don't recall him ever having a scratch or anything on his tummy.  I never see him pick at these areas and as I said otherwise he seems fine.  I have attached the best picture possible to show you what I mean.  Do you know what this is/ what I should do about it?  


It definitely looks like some type of growth, and not an abscess. If it is bothering him I would take him in and see if there is a chance they might be able to remove it. If he starts chewing at it that can lead to infection, and discomfort. Poor little one. Let me know how he does! But again, your best bet would be to take him in to see a doctor. They can let you know whether or not they think it's cancerous and can even send it out to a lab if you'd like to know. If it isn't causing him a lot of pain they might tell you to wait. If it is a fast growing tumor they can advice you as to what steps to take next. Good luck!