Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > TAME/FOOD?


21 15:39:23

I caught a wild mouse.i was going to give it to a snake.but instead i kept it.what food does it eat?
what kind of cage do i use for it?

The easiest cage for a mouse is an aquarium with a sturdy lid.  It should have litter of wood chips or something you buy at the pet store.  It should also have some kind of bedding, which could be small strips of cloth or kleenex or even just a sock cut lengthwise.  It must have a wheel or it will be very unhappy.  It must also of course have a water bottle.  if you need a few days to buy one, make sure it has wet vegetables or fruit such as cucumber or carrot or a slice of orange until then.

As for food, the best thing is to buy a special rat and mouse mix at the pet store.  If they don't have something specially for mice and rats, hamster food will do as well.  If you want to feed it things from around the house, it needs seeds such as sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, corn (popcorn) or flax.  It can also eat oatmeal.  It should eat some greens or other vegetables, but the old vegetables must be taken out the next day. Some crackers or dried bread are good too, just not as its whole diet.  For a very occasional treat it will love a piece of popped popcorn with salt and butter.   

The biggest hurdle will be handling the mouse if you have to, and cleaning and replacing things in the cage.  It will hop very high.  I suggest when you open the cage, do it outside, so if there is an escape you will not have a wild mouse in the house.  It may like to hide under its bedding when you open the cage, which is convenient. If you do hold the mouse, wear gloves.  Grab it by the very base of its tail, by its butt, and immediately place it on the other hand, not letting go.  You  may be able to slowly tame it by offering it yummy treats from your hand (with a helper):  Even a bit of cheese very rarely; also butter, very thinly spread peanut butter (because of possible choking), or salty husked sunflower seeds.  If you want it to approach you in the cage, you will have to be very patient and put your hand in the cage with food on it for a long time.  You may have to do this several days in a row before it has the courage to even come out of the nest.  Again, I suggest thin gloves in case of bites.

I wish you and your new pet a happy time together!

squeaks n giggles,
