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Pet mouse sick or upset?

21 15:11:20

Hi Tamarah,
A few days ago one of my pet mouse was euthanized because of its broken legs. The one left behind now seems really distressed or at least i think so its just crawling around the cage and wont stop making weird clicking noises non stop. It doesn't seem to be eating or sleeping and im not sure what this means. Also, unrelated, when patting her i have found the she was lost a lot of fur to the point where you can see skin and also found dark red dots/ specks on the fur.. could this be lice because i spray her with lice repellent all the time. Also their seems to be some blood in one ear. I'm really worried help!!! I don't want to get her a new friend in case she is contagious and i no longer want mice as watching the other one get euthanized was not a good experience.

Hi Stacy,

It sounds like a trip to a vet who works with pocket pets is in serious order.  Mice can become depressed after the loss of a friend, which can lower their immune systems and open them up to illnesses.  Things that might not have bothered them before may suddenly be a problem.  Even with that being said, it seems like there are multiple things going wrong with her, so if it is at all possible to get her to a vet that is your best and quickest option.

I agree that this is the wrong time to get her a friend, especially since as I mentioned she is particularly vulnerable to new sicknesses, and new mice always carry a certain risk of bringing in something new accidentally.  I would recommend waiting at least two to three weeks after all symptoms have disappeared before introducing a new cage mate.

Are you sure that none of these symptoms were present before the other mouse was lost?  I'm not sure how the other one had broken its legs, but did they scuffle or fight much when the other mouse was still around?  I only ask because the dots and specks could be scabs from fighting - but then again, they could be MANY other things, so again - a vet is your best bet.  It could also be from scratching - even though you spray her frequently with lice spray, that is not effective in controlling parasites like lice or mites.  The bottle should have instructions saying when to repeat treatment; the treatment I prefer, 8-in-1 avian mite spray, says to use it twice, a certain number of days apart.  At the same time as treatment, the entire cage must be cleaned, old bedding and absorbent toys thrown out, and the bedding replaced.  New bedding can be frozen for about 24 hours before thawing and using it to kill any potential incoming mites or bugs.  These treatments are not a repellent or preventative, but rather used to kill existing mites, and only works if the entire cage is sanitized as well (and the bottle shaken first).  The spots could also be an allergy, a different parasite or irritant, or even a habitual scratching from stress.  The only way to be sure which is causing it is help from a vet who can actually see her and test her, or simple process of elimination (which will take longer, obviously).  With proper treatment, mites or lice should disappear within 1-2 weeks.  Allergies can take several weeks to clear up as you search for the cause.

The blood in the ear could be from scratching, or could be a more serious problem, depending on what you mean.  Is it pooled in the ear?  This could indicate a serious injury that needs veterinary attention immediately.  Is it scabby and scratched at?  This means she is itchy, and could be a result of the above-mentioned mites, allergies, or other causes.

The clicking noise could be a sign of something called an upper respiratory infection, or a URI for short.  URIs are not caused by any one thing, so a general antibiotic is your best bet for combating it.  You can get tetracycline at your local pet store in the fish section, and there are instructions on how to use it here:  You can also get a better, more specific antibiotic from your vet.

The lack of appetite could be a result of either depression from losing her buddy, or just generally not feeling good enough to eat.  Keep an eye on her drinking, as well, as hydration is crucial in feeling better and healing.

Again, I'm sorry to stress this, but because there is such a variety of things bothering her, I really strongly encourage a visit to a vet.  If you can't find one, ask your local pet shop, rescues, wildlife rehabilitators, and normal vets if they can point you in the right direction for help.  Please feel free to write me back with more details or questions if there is anything I can clarify, or anything else that I can help you and your pet out with.

Best of luck!