Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > sick mouse with big eye

sick mouse with big eye

21 15:21:49

I have two female mice. One of them is not doing well. A couple weeks ago I noticed her tail was red at the end and scabbed. I figured she got it caught in her wheel because the other one has done that before. Then I noticed her ear was red and looked like part of it had been eaten. Yesterday, I saw that one of her eyes was swollen to twice the size of the other one. She still runs on her wheel, I have no idea whats wrong with her.

Dear Amy,

Your mouse needs to go to the vet.  I don't know if the issues she is suffering are connected.  Whenever there is an eye problem the mouse should go to the vet, because it has to be diagnosed and may need both antibiotics and topical treatment.  

Call around to find a vet who specializes in either "pocket pets" or "exotics."  Bring both mice, in case it's something the other mouse needs to be treated for too.  If the cage is small enough, some vets like to see the setup to see if an issue might be cause by environment, such as something which could have damaged the eye.  

I wish her the best of luck.

