Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > My male mouse is dead and im worried about male companion.

My male mouse is dead and im worried about male companion.

21 15:19:29

I have had 2 male mice who have lived together for 3 months. I got them from the same tank in the pet shop and they have lived together relativly peacefully. One has died suddenly of what I think was a respitory infection and im worried about the other mouse. Will I need to get a companion? what is the best course of action. thanks.

Dear Jack,
thank you for your question.
Male mice usually fight sooner or later and introducing male mice that have never lived together is almost impossible. Your best chance is to find a vet who will neuter your lone male. Then you can introduce him to females after three weeks (there's still a chance of successful mating in the first weeks after neutering).
I can recommend this mouse forum
There are some threads on mouse neutering there and vet recommendations for the UK.
I hope I was of some help to you