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Reintroducing wild mouse to babies

21 15:24:06

While cleaning the house 2 days ago, we stumbled upon a nest of 5 baby mice (roughly 4 days old). The mommy was with them, but she took off when we disturbed them. We waited a few hours, and the mommy never came back, so we assumed she abandoned them. We've been handfeeding them with infant soy formula for the last 2 days and have kept their makeshift nest at a steady temperature of about 80. 3 have passed, and are left with 2 that actually seem to be doing well, other than the fact that I can't get them to potty very often.
Anyways, we set out 'live traps' in the house and this morning we caught their "mommy". Is there any way possible that reintroducing the mommy to her 2 babies after 2 days would go well after we've handled all over them, or would she probably immediately attack them. I know that babies have a much better chance with 'mother's milk', but I think I'd rather run the chance at hand-feeding, then have her kill them.
Suggestions? :)

Dear Emily,

Unfortunately, wild mice don't take well to having their babies handled by humans.  I think the risk of her hurting the babies is quite large. Even if she didn't hurt them, the chances of her nursing them again are small.  I wouldn't take the chance.

