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found an itsy bitsy mouse

21 15:07:08

Hello Natasha:

I found a baby gray mouse in my basement. He was curled up in a ball and I assumed he was dead. (I didn't get close at first and he stayed in the same position over a 20 minute time frame) I had to get to work so left it alone until I got home 8 hours later. Realizing he was turned the opposite way, I inspected closer and saw him moving in slow motion. The floor is very cold. I scooped him up and set up a box with fluff. Not kowing what to do, I gave him warm water on the end of a paper towel which he opened his mouth for. I assumed he was dying and tried to keep him comfortable. Little by little, he perked up. I searched for what to feed and got him soy formula which I diluted and gave him with a soft paint brush. It took a while, but he began to drinkk from that! I set up a heating pad on very low with a towel on top and he has been doing better and better! He didn't poop in 2 days so I researched how to help  him with that too...he is now pooping every where. I bought a 5.5 gallon tank and put fluff in it along with seeds and a tiny cap which I was putting the soy milk I am using water.He is eating the seeds and drinking from the cap. I emailed another sight and they said the humane thing is to let him go. I know he is wild and will always be. He is as big as a walnut but looks like a mouse. Full fur, eyes open etc. I don't know how old it is but feel bad letting him go being so tiny. He seems to love his cage...hops around...doing sommersalts even! I talk to him and pet him...he is a little afraid and does run away at times...but not often. I have had him for about a week. Then I read about diseases that wild mice can carry, such as Hantavirus. Can you advise on when I should let him go and how?  Thank you!

Hi Karen,

Keep the little guy :) but he will need a much bigger cage.

The idea that you should never keep a wild animal as a pet is pretty silly when it applies to mice. If the mouse is happy it is good. Nothing else matters. You should handle him as much as possible so that he will be a happy pet. What you don't want is a guy who can't live on his own, but doesn't want to be a pet either.

Follow these steps if necessary:

Get him a 30 gallon aquarium or larger, when he is bigger.

If he is grey he is a house mouse and they don't carry hantavirus. Yay!

Have fun with the little guy!

squeaks n giggles,
