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Pet mouse with skin problem

21 15:19:02

Hi Tamarah,

I hope you can help me.  My daughter has a white mouse that is a little over a year old or so.  About a month ago, she started chewing on her skin on her side, now it has progressed to her chest leg, and face.  She looks awful and just keeps scratching and biting herself.  I really feel bad for her, and cannot afford a vet.  Can you give me any advice on what this could be and possibly what I can do?

Thank you for your time,

Hi Melanie,

Has anything in her diet or cage changed recently?  If so, she could have an allergy to something new, in which case you can solve the problem by removing the cause and by keeping any irritated skin clean.

If not, I would suspect mites.  Mites are common, tiny, itchy pests that can sometimes get out of hand, especially if new mites come in on fresh bedding.  In the future you can help to prevent it a little bit by freezing your new bedding for 24 hours before using it.  Mites are easily treatable with a mite spray you can find at your local pet store.  I use 8-in-1 avian mite spray, because it's milder and less irritating to chewed areas than the rodent version.  Remember to shake very well before applying (or it will not help) and to keep it out of her eyes.  Here are some excellent instructions that Natasha wrote that explain how to use it:

You can also clean any areas that have been chewed or scratched enough to break the skin by adding a few drops of betadine (available at your local pharmacy or general store) to a cup of warm water until it reaches the color of tea.  Then just dab a little on any areas at risk of becoming infected, let it sit for a few seconds, then gently dab it away.  You can also apply a small amount of triple antibiotic ointment to spots with broken skin - just remember that you don't need very much, just enough to very lightly coat the area.

Hopefully that will help, if not, write me back and we'll look to other possibilities and solutions!
