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dropped mouse has seizures

21 15:24:05

I cleaned my mouse's cage a few days ago and I accidentally got my mouse wet. He also fell from the top of the cage about 12 inches high and after a few days, my mouse's been having this seizure every now and then. He wasn't like that before and it's been happening for at least 3 days now. What could have caused it? And what should I do?

Dear Jodie,

Your mouse could have severe internal or brain injuries.  He could have an illness caused by getting wet.  The only way to help him is to bring him to the vet.  Other than that, keep him in a safe place-- no place to climb, fall off and hurt himself-- and make sure he has easy access to food and water.   If his trouble continues I recommend a solid plastic wheel to minimize injury should he have a seizure or slip in the wheel.  

Best of luck & health to the mouse.  I hope he is OK.

