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Nibble here and a Nibble there and OUCH!

21 15:33:11

My mouse, Harry Monkey-Mouse Febber V.,(complicated name I know. Febber for February!!! LoL) has an odd habit of chewing my fingers.  He doesn't really try to chew them but when I put my fingers through the bars of his cage he comes up to me puts his paws on my finger, and bites my finger nail, (it's kinda cute, he has such little paws!)
Any-who is this normal?  He kinda bit my finger once, didn't break the skin, but it hurt.

Also he broke my nail!


Dear Jenn,

My mouse Brandy does the same thing.  Once I let her trim my entire nail!  They probably like the calcium in fingernails.  Mice also will chew on your fingers if they smell at all like food, or if they think you might be going to offer them food through the bars.

As long as HMMFV doesn't bite you when you are holding him, don't worry about it.  Simply don't put your fingers through the bars.  He may feel it is his domain and you don't belong there.  

Have fun with little HMMFV!

squeaks n giggles,
