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My mice are really sick

21 15:06:55

Two of my babies have died already, and the other three are very sick. It came on very quick, they all seemed fine last night however this morning they were very cold and lethargic, their fur is bristled giving them an extra fluffy look, they're hunched seem to have slow breathing and though it doesn't look like their eyes have any discharge they are squinted. They're still eating and drinking, there's no diarrhea. I gave them a tetracycline paste and put some in their water and one of them seems to be getting better, she has much more energy then before. I'm worried about the others though, I don't know what could be wrong with them and I recently lost my job so I can't take them to the vet.

Hi Amanda,

They may have a severe bacterial infection or they may have eaten something poisonous.  As I am sure you know, they really need to go to the vet, but if you can't, you can't.  

Keep the WARM, give them calorie rich foods such as cheese, nuts, avocado, butter. Periods of holding them or having them in your clothes quietly for several hours are very helpful.

Before you get any new mice be sure these guys have had their 10 days of antibiotics.

I hope these ones make it.

