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Separate sick and well mice?

21 15:20:04

I read in another posting of yours that if a mouse is clicking and sort of sneezing it is sick and you recommended tetracycline. My mouse has been doing this for a few days - the clicking noise wasn't constant at first so I didn't realize what was going on - and so far only she of the 3 in that cage has this problem.

After reading your post I intend to go to the store and get the antibiotic first thing in the morning but my question is - do they need to be separated since they've been together all this time? Do they all need the antibiotic in the water just in case?


Dear Jennifer,

First, remember that taking the mouse to the vet is the most important thing. I only recommend the Tetracycline if you can't do that.  Vets can prescribe better antibiotics, such as Baytril, which are more effective.

Some people separate sick and well mice. I don't. If I was a breeder and had a big cage of mice together I would, but not when I have a few. I just put the Tet in the water, and they all drink it. The reason I don't separate them is that it's bad enough for the sick mouse to feel lousy, but if she is alone, she will be depressed and have less of a chance of survival. A breeder isn't as worried about the life and happiness of one mouse as opposed to being super careful about the others. I have never had a mouse become sick while drinking Tetracycline, unless she was already sick.

I wish your little mouse the best of luck and health.

