Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Temperature for orphan mouse

Temperature for orphan mouse

21 15:16:02

QUESTION: Please could you help. I emptied my son's camping bag along with 3 baby field mice (about 3 days old). My vet has supplied me with puppy formula and a very tiny syringe to feed them. I am keeping them warm with heated bean bags inside some fluffy fabric. I am feeding them every 2-3 hours just a few drops at a time and stimulating the rear end with a cotton bud. They are feeding quite well and I thought I was really doing well until one died today. Am worried the same will happen to other 2. Can you give advice please.

ANSWER: Dear Cheryl,

You have been doing well. The only thing you might have done wrong is they must be fed absolutely every two hours, around the clock. Their mom nurses them every 30 minutes! And they must be fed enough to have milk bands-- you can see the milk in their tummies.

Other than that, well, it is simply terribly hard to replace a mouse mommy. These fellows have had a terrible shock, went unfed for some length of time, are not eating mouse milk (by the way most people use kitten milk, but you probably don't want to switch now), and they aren't at perfect mouse temperature. Lots of these guys survive, and lots of them don't.

If they do survive, hand raised field mice make wonderful pets! They are very loyal, and they live longer than pet mice. I hope these two make it, but don't blame yourself if they don't.

squeaks and luck,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for your prompt reply - so great to have support out there.
Two remaining are doing much better - taking a lot more milk. I will feed
more regularly. I have not been feeding through the night. Late feed at
11pm and the 5am. Should I be feeding during the night aswell. Have now bought a heated mat which I can regulate during the night. Please can you advise roughly how warm the nest should be. I don't want to burn them.
Your help is really appreciated. Just hope I can keep them going - so precious.

ANSWER: Hi again,

A mouse nest is about 80 degrees. Try to get as close to that as possible. If you can make a place for them to wriggle to if the heat is too high, that is good.

Yes you must nurse them around the clock. Mother mice don't abandon their nests at any time. It's a huge job - getting up every two hours- but in the end it is worth it. I'm kind of surprised that they have survived not being fed at night for so long, but I guess they are tough little things! You will be sleep deprived, but they will be healthier.

Good luck!



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Natasha - will do what is required to get these babies going.
They have certainly turned the corner today - are taking 3 times as much milk as before - I was so excited when I saw the milk bands as you described. Bowels are working well and they are starting to balance on their little legs - very wriggly and a lot stronger. Many thanks again.


I'm so glad they are doing better. I hope they make it. Let me know how it goes, for better or worse. By the way, how long did you have them before one died?

Thanks so much for keeping me posted. I really appreciate it. The very best of luck.

