Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > releasing a mouse in winter

releasing a mouse in winter

21 15:07:35

Hi there, I live in a residential area of Winnipeg, Canada. I have been living with a mouse since I moved into this place about 3 months ago. It is the ground level of an old house. I don't mind living with it but I have a very young boy who lives with me and there are lots of faeces around to clean up every day. I am tired of having to clean it up from kitchen counter and elsewhere. I want to live trap it but right now it is winter and I am not sure how to release it with -20 degree Celcius weather. I do not want it to die. Should I wait till summer? Or do you have any other suggestions?

THanks in advance



I share my apartment with my wild mice in the winter. I am afraid the poops are an issue for me too. A little embarrassing when a guest spies one!

My only other suggestion would be to release it someplace heated- a heated shed, a heated barn where they don't kill mice..

Nope I haven't solved it yet either!

Best of luck.

squeaks n giggles,
