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itching mouse

21 15:32:23

I have 2 feeder mouse which i am very happy to have, i have had them about 3-4 months and about a month ago i noticed the one of the was scratching and making a certain spot red. I have tried many remedies and I cannot afford a vet. But it is getting worse she has managed to scratch all her fur under her neck all the way up to her ears off. its red and sometimes it bleeds. She is really tame but will not let me hold her or try and put medicine on her. A vet said to try Hydro cortisone cream but it doesnt seem to be helping.  I don't know what else to try or what it might be, but I don't want to lose her. They both are the best pets I have had. Please some advice would be great

Dear Richard,

Have you tried treating for mites?  A vet who is experienced in small furry pets, or in exotics, should be able to administer a drop of ivermectin to the mouse to treat it, possibly more than once.  Unfortunately, both mice must be treated.  If you want to treat her yourself, you will need to spray the mice with a flea and tick spray; I use the one by 8 in 1.  You will need to handle the mice.  This will probably take two people, and you may need to use gloves.  The easiest way to pick up a scaredy mouse is to put down a toilet paper roll and let her climb into it, then put your hands on both sides.  If she won't do this, to pick her up you will grasp her by the base of the tail near her butt, and immediately place her on the palm of the other hand.  Then someone must hold her like that, never letting go of the tail, while the other person treats her.  She isn't going to like it.  You must clean the cage at the same time.

I explain how to use the spray here:

I recommend the stronger, rodent spray, since you don't want to go through with this again.

The hydrocortisone cream would help with itching but not solve a problem.  If the problem isn't mites, an exotics or small furry pets vet should be able to diagnose the problem with a skin sample.  There are several possibilities including mange and ringworm.  Again, the mice will have to be handled to be treated.  A vet ought to be able to do this.  

I wish your little mouse the best.

