Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Is He Suffering?

Is He Suffering?

21 15:32:23

Hi Natasha and sorry for being such a pest.  I've been
pouring through the Q&As here and have come to the
conclusion that I probably have a wild baby field mouse
that is not normal and suffers from multiple physical
problems and deformities.  The issue I'm having is that all
that being said, these factors just make me want to take
care of him more and make him as comfortable as I can for
as long as here's here. He seems very content to be in the
palm of my hand or snuggled in his bedding but is unable to
get around on his own very well without tipping over.  I
have to feed him because he falls into his little dishes.  
Am I being selfish? Is he suffering?  I honestly didn't
think he would last this long but here he is.  Thanks in
advance for replying. . .I know I've sounded like a
paranoid mother.  He's just so unbelievably adorable,
utterly helpless and he's already tugged strongly on my
heart strings.

Dear Susan,

Sorry, I didn't see that you had sent a second letter.  No, even if he is deformed or otherwise abnormal, if he seems content then he is fine.  It's not that big a surprise if he isn't perfect, because a mother mouse will often abandon a baby if she knows something is wrong with it.  

The question of whether to end a mouse's life isn't an easy one, because you can't get into its head, but if the mouse seems to be feeling OK there are really no other important considerations in my mind.  I don't euthanize even a mouse with a large tumor until it seems to be making the mouse unhappy.  Mice don't care if they look funny, fall over, or aren't as developed as they should be.  All he cares about is the love, food, and warmth he gets from you. That's his little world.  


