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Mice dont understand wheel

21 15:21:48

I have 2 male mice that have grown up together and are not fighting(knock on wood). I have given them a wheel and toys etc, but after 7 weeks they still don't seem to know how to use their wheel. I have 4 other mice living in 2 different cages and they figured out their wheels within days. Is there any way to teach them how to use it or encourage them to use it? I feel like their lives are so boring without having exercise like that to entertain themselves.
Thank you so much,


Dear Nanci,

You don't mention how old your boys are.  If they are older and never had a wheel when they were young, it could be a question of both not figuring it out but also not being curious.  Mice raised with little stimulus sometimes don't know how to react to opportunities when they get them.

If they are young, however, it is indeed curious that they haven't figured it out.  Baby mice figure out wheels long before they are weaned, and I've seen a wild mouse figure it out almost instantly.  

One thing to check is how easy it is to move the wheel.  Is it possible that it's stuck just enough that they don't coincidentally figure out how to use it (which is the usual way)?  Try replacing their wheel with one of the others.  

Certainly they will be happier mice if they use their wheel.  Try introducing them to it individually manually.  Put the mouse in the wheel and hold it out of the cage where the mouse has nowhere to go except to move in the wheel, and keep it that way for about 5 minutes.  If he sits and washes his whiskers, he's perfectly happy; however,if he sits down and looks miserable then you can put him away.  Once one mouse gets it the other should learn from him.

I'm interested to know what happens. Keep me informed : ))

squeaks n giggles,
