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Mouse: One hind back leg Dragging :(

21 15:07:45

Ive had Nacho for almost a year now, she is always so busy in her cage running on the wheel or in her mouse ball following me around the house. However yesterday when i took her out for her daily one on one play with me on the couch i noticed she was dragging one of her back legs and the other is just moving a little. ive made her cage all one storey so she has access to water and food and her bed.
i dont think she is in pain but i dont kno what would cause this and if its a permanent thing and she try to get on the wheel but she just cant run any more. also ive noticed red spots appearing on her tail could this be linked???? Thanks cant wait for you to answer me im incredibly sad and feel so sad for her.

Dear Tania,

Her best bet is to go to the vet. There may be a myriad of possibilities that a vet can see looking at her and with their knowledge that I can't give you from here. The following is my inexpert opinion:

She may have broken one leg and injured the other  (what kind if wheel does she have?) or she may have had a stroke.

With a broken leg it will heal on its own as best as possible-- it would be a rare vet who would cast a mouse's leg, though you can call around and ask. Whether she will walk again in any efficient way, let alone run in the wheel, can't be known without knowing how bad the break is. And also depends on the other leg.

With a stroke, sometimes a little or even a lot of the ability comes back. In that case she might have a normal gait again-- it is very hard to know that either.

If her leg is broken, she might well be in severe pain. Mice don't show pain.  I recommend giving her a drop of children's liquid ibuprofen every 6 hours for a couple of days. She will heal faster than you would, but she may still be in the kind of pain you would be.

She should have a solid plastic wheel when she is more mobile again. It is good if she wants to try to run again- whatever happens is good physical therapy. Try to avoid one she could throw herself out of - I recommend the Silent Spinner because there is no place to fall but inside it.

I still recommend the vet visit especially because I do not know about the tail. If you write back tell me more about the red spots- when did they start, have they changed, etc. it is very unlikely that these are connected. And send me a photo or two of the tail. I may be able to get some ideas from some good rat people and vet techs I know.

Best to her and I hope she has a good recovery, in case you don't write back

