Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > fleshy lump on mouse

fleshy lump on mouse

21 15:11:54

"i was cleaning my two pet mice out earlier.
and i noticed on one of them that she has what looks like a small ball of pink flesh right next to her bottom. i thought it was blood but it is not. she is not having any difficulty with passing feaces.

She seems her normal self no other signs of illness.

Could you help me find out what this is, and any advice please

thanks jade.

p.s the other mouse is completely fine and healthy"

Dear Jade,

The reason I refused the question the first time, is that I do not know. My expertise is in behavior and care of mice. Over half of my questions are health, and so I do my best to answer those anyway. Common problems are easy. But I have no medical training at all.

That being said, since you were persistent enough to ask twice : )), I will say what little I can. The best bet is always to go to the vet. is it possible that the lump is from inside the anus or vagina? If so that is very bad. If it is definitely a lump on the outside skin, it must be some kind of tumor, cyst, or possibly but not probably, an abscess. Or, if it is small, it could be a wart.  If it isn't easy to get to the vet, then watch her closely to look for any signs of pain or altered behavior.

That's the best I can do. However, Tamarah has more medical training than I do. Send her a photo of it and she may be able to help you out.

Best of luck and health to the little mouse.

