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My mouse scratching herself raw :-(

21 15:17:56

It started late last year, or at least that's when I started noticing a thinning patch of fur on the left side of her neck... She's always been very very active and loves attention! I've noticed that she was a scratched since she was born, around May of 2010... but it never was as bad as it is now. She lives with two other females and I'm sure they're not fighting. They have two wheels and carboards tubes, wooden toys, wooden ladders so they're very active.

My mouse who's scratching is getting worse. I don't think it's mites or paracites because wouldnt the others be infected too perhaps? I think she just has a neurotic tick that forces her to scratch and groom. At first it was just a bald patch but is now usually raw and moist. I treated them with tetracycline when they were coughing and that went away...

I don't know if she's in pain... but I do hear squeaks more often now... I can't identify if it's her squeaking in pain? I see her scratch and she doesn't squeak and I try to divert her attention to other activities when I see her scratching. Is there something I can put on it that's safe if she ingests it? It's hard to apply something to a mouse... Anyways I'm worried about her and hope someone can help. I can't afford a vet either.

Hi Flunky Carter,

It could still be mites, as many mice don't necessarily show symptoms when they aren't that bad, but mice with compromised immune systems can. It's important to address any broken skin by trying to keep it disinfected. You can dilute some betadine to the color of tea in warm water, dip a cotton swab in it and gently apply it to any scabbed areas, as well as trying with neosporin or other triple antibiotic ointment. Both are safe to ingest in very small quantities. It won't fix the problem though, so you may want to give a mite spray a shot, just in case. You can find 8-in-1 avian or mouse mite spray at your local petshop, which might be worth a try for a couple of weeks - has great instructions on how to use it.

If it doesn't, in fact, turn out to be mites, it could be an allergy or other skin problem that would be tough to guess at without a vet. A neurotic tick is possible too, but I'd try and treat for mites first, as there isn't much you can do for a neurotic tick. You can also try separating her for a few days and seeing if it makes any difference, in case something to do with the cage or the other mice is making it worse.

Whatever you wind up trying , let me know how it goes, and if you need more help. :)