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Mouse weak, stumbling

21 15:17:56

Hi Natasha,
I have a male albino mouse, Hedwig, who is just under a year old. I've had him for about nine months and he has been a healthy little guy since I got him. Tonight, I was giving him food and fresh water when I noticed that he was acting oddly. He was extremely tired and when he tried to stand, he could not walk around his cage properly. He is stumbling a lot and doesn't know how to keep his balance. As of now, he is still trying to eat (he is slow and having some difficulty but still has a bit of an appetite) but hasn't touched his water yet. Is this something that may be serious? I'm a huge pet lover and very worried about my little boy right now.
Thank you very much!

Dear Cam,

A vet might be able to give you more help, but mice do have strokes like people do, and that sounds to me like a stroke, since it came on so suddenly. As people can recover partially or even completely from a stroke, so probably can mice. I've been told about mouse who had gotten better.

Make sure he has food and water right by his nest. Give him something easy to eat like soft cheese, or even soy yogurt if he has trouble or doesn't want that. Also oatmeal or other soft, hot cereal could be easier too.

Take the wheel out until he is steady on his feet. He might hurt himself. Also keep him in a single level cage with nothing to climb on.

I wish him a strong recovery.



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