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Mouse is looking thin and panting

21 15:08:53

Hello Natasha,

I was wondering if you could help me with a concern that I have? I'm a breeder, have been breeding mice for over 4 years, took a break from it but have gotten back into it recently. I can't stay away from the fury little guys. Both my males and females are kept in separate tanks, except for when I'm matching a pair up. I have more females than males and they all get along with each other. They're also treated as pets and not just as breeding stock, so they all have names.

My concern lies with Rascal. She's just over 6 months old, born November,20/12. She was from the first litter of Eleanor's, the mom I bought pregnant from the pet store. Anyways, Rascal hasn't been acting like her normal self for the past few days and I'm a bit concerned. She's looking thinner than she should, she's panting heavily, and she is looking bug-eyed (eyes bulging out). She is active, I do catch her walking about but not runner about like she normally does. She is still eating and drinking cause I catch her doing that too. I'm wondering if it's cause she is missing her sister, Hershey, that pasted away a week back. (They were the only two that survived out of the litter.) But she has plenty of other females to keep her company.

Your best thoughts on this matter would be of much help.

Dear Curtis,

Your little mouse is very sick. Among other possibilities, she may have a tumor or abscess in her  head. If it is an abscess she needs antibiotics FAST before she loses her eyes at the very least. If it is a tumor she must be put immediately to sleep.

Please bring her to the vet right away as an emergency. You need a 'pocket pets' or 'exotics' vet.

I wish her luck

