Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Orphan mouse jumps then sleeps after nursing

Orphan mouse jumps then sleeps after nursing

21 15:08:44

QUESTION: I have an orphaned baby wild mouse who I've been taking care of. He's probably around 9 or 10 days old at best guess and his eyes are still closed.  Today, he started jumping all around in my hands, then falling asleep and then repeating the process while or right after feeding him.  Is this the popcorn stage, or is it something to be worried about since his eyes are still closed? He is very mobile, walking all over his cage.

ANSWER: Dear Terry,

Sorry to take so long. I wanted to talk to some other people who have raised these guys. And I am glad I did, because I was thinking this was a bad sign. However, one of my contacts said hers did that too, for a while. She felt it was because they were so excited to eat. It was at the same age, though she had acquired them at that point rather than earlier.

And her four all survived :)

So, although these guys are hard to raise, this action is not at all a bad sign.

Best of luck with your little tyke. Thank you so much for caring.

Squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your response. I am sad to say that my poor baby passed away this afternoon. I think he had other issues going on besides the hopping... He wasn't eating well or at all for about 10 or so hours before. He also had a swollen rectal area. I am so sad that he didn't make it, but I am glad that I got the time with him that I did. He was such a loving little guy, always crawling right onto my hand the minute I put it near him. Again, thank you for the help.

Dear Terry,

Aww, I am so sorry, it is very hard to replace a mouse mommy. I don't know the circumstances of his discovery, but a mother mouse often knows if there is something wrong with a baby and will abandon it.

Thank you for caring about such a tiny thing .l
