Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Hi Again !

Hi Again !

21 15:38:03


Earlier today I sent you an E-mail About when my mouse was due to Have her Babies.You Said she was in her second week.So Not Due Quite Yet.But She had her Babies This evening! I'm Not sure If she Had them Prematurely or not as there were loud fireworks at the time.Shall I Check on her or leave it?It's her first litter.

Thank you!


Dear Cozza,

I'm sure the babies are fine.  She must be a young mouse.  I usually don't touch the babies until day 7, but you may handle the mother when she is out of the nest.  The other female will help her to care for the babies even if she is not pregnant.

Have fun!

squeaks n giggles,
